SDSU Faculty Profile - Dr. Victor M. Ponce - Refereed journal publications

Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce


  1. Ponce, V. M., A. Taher-Shamsi, and A. V. Shetty. 2003. Embankment dam breaching: Geometry and peak-outflow characteristics. Dam Engineering, in print.

  2. Ponce, V. M., S. Kumar, and S. Ercan. 2002. Estimation of regional aquifer parameters using baseflow recession data. Ingeniería Hidráulica en México, in print.

  3. Ponce, V. M., and D. S. Smith. 2002. Effect of friction on sediment rating curve. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, in print.

  4. Ponce, V. M., and A. Lugo. 2001. Modeling looped ratings in Muskingum-Cunge routing. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 6(2), March-April, 119-124..

  5. Ponce, V. M., R. Garcia, and S. Ercan. 2001. Posible cambio climático debido a la explotación de agua subterránea en el valle de Ojos Negros, Baja California. Investigaciones Geográficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 44, 6-17.

  6. Ponce, V. M., S. Kumar, and R. P. Pandey. 2000. Restoration of the Salton Sea using solar still distillation. Revista de Estudos Ambientais, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2(2-3), mai/dez, 96-102.

  7. Ponce, V. M., R. P. Pandey, and S. Ercan. 2000. Characterization of drought across the climatic spectrum. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 5(2), April, 222-224.

  8. Ponce, V. M., R. P. Pandey, and S. Ercan. 1999. A conceptual model of drought characterization across the climatic spectrum. Revista de Estudos Ambientais, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1(3), 68-76.

  9. Ponce, V. M., and A. C. Klabunde. 1999. Parking lot storage modeling using diffusion waves. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 4(4), 371-376.

  10. Ponce, V. M., Y. R. S. Rao, and N. M. Mansury. 1999. Time of opening of irrigation canal gates. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 125(9), 979-980.

  11. Ponce, V. M., and S. Kumar. 1999. Global climate change, sustainable development, and environmental ethics. Revista de Estudos Ambientais, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1(1), 19-26.

  12. Ponce, V. M., R. P. Pandey. and S. Kumar. 1999. Groundwater recharge by channel infiltration in El Barbon basin, Baja California, Mexico. Journal of Hydrology, 214(1999), 1-7.

  13. Ponce, V. M., O. I. Cordero, and S. Y. Hasenin. 1997. Generalized conceptual modeling of dimensionless overland flow hydrographs. Journal of Hydrology, 200(1997), 222-227.

  14. Ponce, V. M., A. K. Lohani, and P. T. Huston. 1997. Surface albedo and water resources: Hydroclimatological impact of human activities. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 2(3), 197-203.

  15. Shetty, A. V., and V. M. Ponce. 1997. Simulation of daily hydrograph and monthly discharge of an Indian Hard Rock stream. IE(I) Journal-CV, India, 77, 199-204.

  16. Ponce, V. M., A. K. Lohani, and C. Scheyhing. 1996. Analytical verification of Muskingum-Cunge routing. Journal of Hydrology, 174, 235-241.

  17. Ponce, V. M., and R. H. Hawkins. 1996. Runoff curve number: Has it reached maturity? Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 1(1), 11-19.

  18. Ponce, V. M., and A. V. Shetty. 1995. A conceptual model of catchment water balance. 1. Formulation and calibration. Journal of Hydrology, 173, 27-40.

  19. Ponce, V. M., and A. V. Shetty. 1995. A conceptual model of catchment water balance. 2. Application to runoff and baseflow modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 173, 41-50.

  20. Ponce, V. M. 1995. Management of floods and droughts in the semiarid Brazilian Northeast: The case for conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 50(5), 422-431.

  21. Ponce, V. M., and P. J. Porras. 1995. Effect of cross-sectional shape on free-surface instability. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 121(4), 376-380.

  22. Ponce, V. M., and P. V. Chaganti. 1994. Variable-parameter Muskingum-Cunge method revisited. Journal of Hydrology, 162, 433-439.

  23. Ponce, V. M., and P. T. Huston. 1994. New perspective on the convection-diffusion-dispersion equation. Water Resources Research, 30(5), 1619-1620.

  24. Ponce, V. M., and C. N. da Cunha. 1993. Vegetated earthmounds in tropical savannas of Central Brazil: A synthesis. Journal of Biogeography, 20(2), 219-225.

  25. Ponce, V. M., and M. B. Maisner. 1993. Verification of theory of roll wave formation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 119(6), 768-773.

  26. Ponce, V. M. 1991. New perspective on the Vedernikov number. Water Resources Research, 27(7), 1777-1779.

  27. Ponce, V. M. 1991. The kinematic wave controversy. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 117(4), 511-525.

  28. Ponce, V. M. 1990. Generalized diffusion wave model with inertial effects. Water Resources Research, 26(5), 1099-1101.

  29. Ponce, V. M., and D. S. Lindquist. 1990. Management of baseflow augmentation: A Review. Water Resources Bulletin, 26(2), 259-268.

  30. Ponce, V. M. 1986. Diffusion wave modeling of catchment dynamics. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 112(8), 716-727.

  31. Ponce, V. M., Z. Osmolski, and D. Smutzer. 1985. Large Basin Deterministic Hydrology: A Case Study. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 111(9), 1227-1245.

  32. Ponce, V. M., and D. Windingland. 1985. Kinematic shock: Sensitivity analysis. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 111(4), 600-611.

  33. Ponce, V. M. 1982. Celerity of transient bed profiles. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 108(HY11), 1393-1397.

  34. Ponce, V. M., and F. D. Theurer. 1982. Accuracy criteria in diffusion routing. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 108(HY6), 747-757.

  35. Ponce, V. M. 1982. Nature of wave attenuation in open channel flow. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 108(HY2), 257-262.

  36. Ponce, V. M., and S. B. Yabusaki. 1981. Modeling circulation in depth-averaged flow. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 107(HY11), 1501-1518.

  37. Ponce, V. M., and A. J. Tsivoglou. 1981. Modeling gradual dam breaches. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 107(HY5), 829-838.

  38. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Linear reservoirs and numerical diffusion. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 106(HY5), 691-699.

  39. Li, R. M., V. M. Ponce, and D. B. Simons. 1980. Modeling rill density. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, 106(ID1), 63-67.

  40. Ponce, V. M., Y. H. Chen, and D. B. Simons. 1979. Unconditional stability in convection computations. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 105(HY9), 1079-1086.

  41. Ponce, V. M., H. Indlekofer, and D. B. Simons. 1979. Convergence of implicit bed transient models. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 105(HY4), 351-363.

  42. Ponce, V. M., J. Lopez-Garcia, and D. B. Simons. 1979. Modeling alluvial channel bed transients. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 105(HY3), 245-256.

  43. Ponce, V. M. 1979. Simplified Muskingum routing equation. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 105(HY1), 85-91.

  44. Ponce, V. M., and V. Yevjevich. 1978. Muskingum-Cunge method with variable parameters. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 104(HY12), 1663-1667.

  45. Ponce, V. M. 1978. Generalized stability analysis of channel banks. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, 104(ID4), 343-350.

  46. Ponce, V. M., H. Indlekofer, and D. B. Simons. 1978. Convergence of four-point implicit water wave models. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 104(HY7), 947-958.

  47. Ponce, V. M., R. M. Li, and D. B. Simons. 1978. Applicability of kinematic and diffusion models. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 104(HY3), 353-360.

  48. Ponce, V. M., and D. B. Simons. 1977. Shallow wave propagation in open channel flow. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 103(HY12), 1461-1476.

  49. Ponce, V. M., and J. M. Bell. 1971. Shear strength of sand at extremely low pressures. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE, 97(SM4), 625-636.