Appendix C.1:   A Weighted Implicit Finite Volume Model for Overland Flow

This paper is well structured and well written, but contains certain grammatical errors that need to be corrected (see below).

    Page 1, Title:   Replace "A weighted implicit finite volume model for overland flow" with "A weighted-implicit finite-volume model for overland flow"

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "A weighted implicit finite volume model for overland flow" with "A weighted-implicit finite-volume model for overland flow"

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "two dimensional diffusion flow" for "two-dimensional diffusion flow" (Two instances in this paragraph).

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "the implicit formulation makes the model stable and run faster" with "The implicit formulation makes the model stable and enables it to run faster"

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "conjugate gradient" with "conjugate-gradient" (also all other instances)

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "that had known solutions" with "for which solutions are available"

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "weighted implicit methods" for "weighted-implicit methods" (As opposed to forward-implicit methods)

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "The method is to be used" with "The method will be used"

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "local and regional modeling problems in South Florida" with "local and regional flow modeling in South Florida"

    Page 1, Introduction:   Replace "large scale" with "large-scale"

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 1:   Replace "The features" with "Features"

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Liggett and Woolhiser (1967) and the other authors cited here used the 1-D overland flow equations, not the 2-D equations. It is best here to replace "The earliest 2-D models" with "The earliest models"

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Replace "finite element" with "finite-element" and "finite volume" with "final-volume"

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Replace "the inertia term is negligible" with "the inertia terms are negligible" (Under an Eulerian frame, there are two types of inertia: local and convective)

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 2, last sentence:   The crucial question is whether a 2-D diffusion-flow model retains the same (or similar) convective and diffusive properties of its 1-D diffusion-wave counterpart. What is your answer to this question?

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 3:   Ponce et al.'s 1978 analysis is strictly valid only for 1-D flow. The extension to 2-D flow is plausible, but it needs to be qualified.

    Page 3, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Suggest using the adjective "finite-volume" throughout, rather than "finite volume" (Many references)

    Page 3, Introduction, paragraph 3:   Suggest using the adjective "weighted-implicit" throughout, rather than "weighted implicit" (Many references)

    Page 4, Introduction, paragraph 1:   Suggest using the adjective "conjugate-gradient" throughout, rather than "conjugate gradient" (Many references)

    Page 5, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Replace "both long and short term simulations" with "both long- and short-term simulations"

    Page 5, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Replace "some results shown at low resolutions" with "some results shown at low grid resolution"

    Page 5, Governing Equations, paragraph 1: Question the name "Saint Venant equations" to refer to the depth-integrated 2-D shallow-water equations.

    Page 5, paragraph 1:   Replace "The first term is neglected in slowly varying flow" with "The first two terms are neglected in slowly varying flow"

    Page 5, paragraph 1:   The strategy of recovering some of the convective inertia through the use of E instead of H may be unwise. Ponce (1990) [Ponce, V. M., 1990, Generalized diffusion wave equation with inertial effects, Water Resources Research, 26, No. 5] has demonstrated that in 1-D flow, the full dynamic diffusivity (including all inertia terms) is closer to the kinematic hydraulic diffusivity (neglecting all inertia terms) than the convective-only (partial inertia) model.

    Page 6, paragraph 2:   "When the velocity head is included, H is replaced with E as explained earlier" Ditto the above comment.

    Page 6, paragraph 2, last line:   Replace "using many of the methods" with "with many of the methods"

    Page 7, paragraph 1:   Replace "free surface diffusion flow or ground water flow" with "free-surface diffusion flow or groundwater flow"

    Page 8, paragraph 2:   "Replace low-order mixed finite element method" with "low-order mixed finite-element method" (Many instances of finite element as adjective, with no hyphen)

    Page 11, paragraph 3:   Reword sentence to avoid starting with "If"

    Page 11, paragraph 3, last sentence:   Avoid the usage of "explained later"

    Page 12, paragraph 1:   Replace "0 and 1 for explicit and implicit problems" with "0 and 1 for explicit and implicit problems, respectively"

    Page 13, paragraph 1:   Replace "with the choicen sparse solver" with "with the chosen sparse solver"

    Page 13, paragraph 1:   Replace "re-run the code due to non-convergence" with "rerun the code due to nonconvergence"

    Page 13, paragraph 2:   Replace "Active research" with "Research" or "Current research"

    Page 13, paragraph 2:   Replace "transient flow activities" with "transient flow phenomena"

    Page 13, paragraph 3:   Replace "numerical error and stability analysis" with "stability and convergence analysis"

    Page 14, paragraph 2:   What is the basis for the choice (assumption) of Manning n = 1 for the given case? What is the sensitivity of the results to variation in n?

    Page 15, paragraph 1:   Replace "solve (30) accurately" with "solve Eq. 30 accurately" (This is only a matter of style)

    Page 15, paragraph 3:   Replace "spatial and temporal discretizations" with "spatial and temporal discretization"

    Page 15, paragraph 3:   Replace "wave length" with "wavelength" (Twice)

    Page 15, paragraph 3:   Replace "spatial and temporal resolutions" with "spatial and temporal resolution"

    Page 17, paragraph 2:   Avoid the use of "explained later"; use instead "explained in the next section"

    Page 18, paragraph 1:   Do not use italic font for units such as m3/s.

    Page 18, paragraph 2:   Replace "current model" with "present model"

    Page 19, paragraph 1:   Replace "current model" with "present model"

    Page 20, paragraph 2:   Replace "much finer spatial resolutions and larger time steps otherwise possible" with "much finer spatial resolution and larger time steps"