Appendix C.3:   A model to simulate regional flow in South Florida

This paper contains certain grammatical and other errors that need to be corrected (see below).

    Page 1, Abstract, paragraph 1:   Replace "super fast computers" with "super-fast computers"

    Page 1, Abstract, paragraph 2:   Replace "object oriented" with "object-oriented" (Many other instances of this same problem with hyphenation).

    Page 2, Introduction: To compare the rate of increase of computing power with the rate of increase in complexity of other hydrologic system and water management issues is to compare apples and oranges. Better to say it this way: "While the computing power has continued to increase steadily, the complexity of the hydrologic system and the related management issues have also continued to grow".

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Avoid the use of the first person pronoun "us"

    Page 3, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Replace "Richard's Equation" with "Richard's equation"

    Page 5, paragraph 1:   What is meant by "micro-hydrologic features"?

    Page 5, Governing equations, paragraph 1:   Replace "non-inertia form of the Saint Venant equation" with "the non-inertia form of the Saint Venant equations"

    Page 5, Governing equations, paragraph 1:   Replace "finite volume method" with "finite-volume method" (Many instances)

    Page 5, Governing equations, paragraph 2:   May consider replacing the name "pseudo cells" with "subgrid cells" (this is only a suggestion)

    Page 6:   In 1-D unsteady flow, the convective celerity is given by Seddon's law, for laminar, mixed, and turbulent flow. How is Seddon's law represented in 2-D unsteady flow? Is the adopted value of Manning's n turbulent, or is it its laminar-equivalent?

    Page 7, paragraph 1, last line:   Replace "in to" with "into"

    Page 7, paragraph 2:   Standardize the spelling of St. Venant (Either Saint Venant of St. Venant) throughout the reports and papers.

    Page 7, paragraph 2:   When friction slope Sn reaches values as low as 10-7 and lower, the applicability of the diffusion flow assumption may not be guaranteed.

    Page 8, paragraph 2, last line:   Replace "is provided under the object design" with "is provided under the section on object design"

    Page 8, last section, title:   Replace "THE IMPLICIT FINITE VOLUME METHOD" with "THE IMPLICIT FINITE-VOLUME METHOD" (Many other instances of the same hyphenation problem)

    Page 9, paragraph 1: Replace "lake related regional flows" with "lake-related regional flows"

    Page 9, last line:   Is the defined stage-volume (SV) relationship unique? If so, it contradicts the principle of (dynamic or diffusive) unsteady flow, rendering the simulated flow kinematic. Please explain in a better way.

    Page 10, paragraph 2:   Explain the cost to be paid when the α weighting factor is raised to α = 1 when "nonlinearities are severe and the model shows signs of instability."

    Page 12, paragraph 3:   If the water movers (and the water bodies) conserve mass, why is it necessary to track mass balance of the system?

    Page 13, paragraph 1:   Replace "described in the paper by Lal (1998a)" with "described by Lal (1998a)."

    Page 14, paragraph 2:   Replace "Canal seepage water mover" with "Canal-seepage water mover" (Many instances)

    Page 14, paragraph 2:   "linearization" with "linearization:"

    Page 15, last line:   Replace "However" with "However,"

    Page 16, paragraph 2:   When used as a compound adjective, the phrase "pseudo cell" requires hyphenation, as in "pseudo-cell models"

    Page 17, paragraph 1:   Replace "bc" with "boundary condition" (several instances)

    Page 18, paragraph 3:   Replace "oscillation free" with "oscillation-free"

    Page 18, paragraph 4:   Replace "model error control" with "model-error control"

    Page 19, paragraph 1:   No italics associated with units, as in km.

    Page 20, paragraph 2:   The hydraulic diffusivity of overland flow is likely to be different from that of groundwater flow. How is the mesh size reconciled for this difference? In other words, a resolution (or discretization) that is accurate for overland flow may not have the same accuracy for groundwater flow. Please explain how do you handle this different accuracy response (i.e., convergence response, based on suitable amplitude and phase portraits).

    Page 21, paragraph 1:   Replace "current model" with "present model"

    Page 21, paragraph 3:   Replace "human influences" with "anthropogenic influences"

    Page 22, paragraph 1:   No italics associated with units, as in m3/s (many instances)

    Page 25, paragraph 1:   Replace "Sri-Lanka (3200) cells, Lal et al., (2004)" with "Sri-Lanka (3200) cells (Lal et al., 2004)"

    Page 25, Summary and Conclusions:   Replace "An implicit finite volume method, a high-speed sparse solver, and the object oriented design approach" with "An implicit finite-volume method, a high-speed sparse solver, and an object-oriented design approach"

    Page 25, Summary and Conclusions:   Replace "one simple computational algorithm" with "one computational algorithm"

    Page 25, Summary and Conclusions:   Replace "are extremely useful in designing suitable model discretizations with know numerical error limits" with "are very useful in the design of model discretization following established numerical error limits"