Appendix C.6:   Management simulation engine of the Regional Simulation Model: An Overview

This section contains certain grammatical errors that need to be corrected before the document is presented in final form (see below).

    Page 1, Abstract:   Replace "water resource control schemes" with "water-resource control schemes"

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 1:   Suggest replacing or remove the word "overwhelming". It is a value judgment, and does not belong in this document.

    Page 2, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Suggest rewording of the phrase "This is not to say"

    Page 3, Introduction, paragraph 1:   Replace "well defined interface" with "well defined interface"

    Page 3, Introduction, paragraph 2:   Last sentence is awkward. Please rephrase.

    Page 3, section 1.1, paragraph 1:   Delete first word "Even"

    Page 3, section 1.1, paragraph 1:   Avoid usage of first-person pronoun "we" (many instances)

    Page 3, section 1, bullet 2:   Replace "&" with "and"

    Page 3, section 1:   Replace "appendix 7" with "Appendix 7"

    Page 4, paragraph 1:   Replace "capabilities" with "capabilities,"

    Page 4, paragraph 1:   Replace "ground water and stream flow" with "groundwater and streamflow"

    Page 4, paragraph 1:   Replace "stream conveyance models" with "stream-conveyance models"

    Page 4, paragraph 1:   Suggest replacing or removing the phrase "not to argue for superiority" This phrase is confrontational, does not belong here.

    Page 5, paragraph 2:   Replace "pragmatics of applying finite difference formulations" with "the pragmatics of finite-difference formulations"

    Page 6, paragraph 5:   Replace "closed loop feedback controller" with "closed-loop feedback controller"

    Page 6, paragraph 5:   Replace "it's target value" with "its target value" (Many instances of the contraction "it's" instead of the possessive "its". Replace all)

    Page 8, paragraph 1:   Replace "section, one may refer to the citations for more detail" with "section. More details can be found in the aforementioned citations."

    Page 8, section 2.1, paragraph 1:   Replace "piecewise linear canal segments" with "piecewise-linear canal segments"

    Page 8, section 2.1, paragraph 1:   Replace "ET and rain function" with "ET and rainfall function"

    Page 8, section 2.1, paragraph 2:   Replace "semi-implicit finite volume approximation of the diffusion flow transport equations" with"semi-implicit finite-volume approximation of the diffusion-flow transport equations"

    Page 9, section 2.2, paragraph 1:   Replace "water control structures" with "water-control structures" (Many instances throughout)

    Page 10, paragraph 2:   Replace "uniform data monitor interface" with "uniform data-monitor interface"

    Page 10, paragraph 2:   Replace "complex water management policies" with "complex water-management policies"

    Page 11, section 2.3 title:   Replace "Assessors & Filters" with "Assessors and Filters"

    Page 11, section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "supply & demand" with "supply and demand"

    Page 11, section 2.3, paragraph 2:   Replace "Related to the assessors, are MSE filters" with "MSE filters are related to the assessors"

    Page 13, paragraph 3:   Replace "flexible, data-driven specification, which is easily modified providing a level of plug-and-play ..." with "flexible, data-driven specification, which can be readily modified." (Delete last part of this sentence; argumentative; value judgment; not needed)

    Page 13, secton 2.4, paragraph 2, bullet 1:   Replace "One & two dimensional rulecurves" with "One- and two-dimensional rule curves" (The word "rulecurve" is not in the dictionary. The preferred spelling should be rule curve). Replace "rulecurve" with "rule curve" throughout, unless willing to invent a new word, or if common usage (in the field) can be demonstrated.

    Page 13, secton 2.4, paragraph 2, bullet 6:   Replace "User defined finite state machine" with "User-defined finite-state machine"

    Page 14, paragraph 1:   Replace "[20]" with "Ref. [20]" or "Reference [20]"

    Page 14, section 2.4.1, title:   Replace "One & two dimensional rulecurves" with "One- and two-dimensional rule curves"

    Page 14, section 2.4.2, title:   Replace "Piecewise linear transfer function" with "Piecewise-linear transfer function"

    Page 15, section 2.4.4, paragraph 3:   Replace "closed loop" with "closed-loop"

    Page 16, section 2.4.5, paragraph 1:   Replace "doesn't" with "does not"

    Page 18, section 2.4.6, title:   Replace "User defined finite state machine" with "User-defined finite-state machine"

    Page 18, section 2.4.6, paragraph 1:   Replace "it's" with "its"

    Page 18, section 2.4.6, paragraph 2:   Replace "user defined" with "user-defined"

    Page 20, paragraph 4, bullet 2:   Replace "User defined finite state machine" with "User-defined finite-state machine"

    Page 20, paragraph 5:   Replace "User defined controller" with "User-defined controller"

    Page 20, last sentence:   Reword to avoid "allows one to define." Prefer "allows the definition of"

    Page 21, section 2.5.1, paragraph 1:   Replace "mixed integer" with "mixed integer"

    Page 21, section 2.5.2, paragraph 2:   Replace "it's" with "its"

    Page 22, section 2.5.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "water resource management" with "water-resource management"

    Page 23, section 2.6, paragraph 2:   Replace "it's" with "its"

    Page 24, paragraph 3:   Replace "representation facilitating" with "representation, facilitating

    Page 28, section 3, paragraph 1:   Avoid use of first-person pronoun "we"

    Page 28, section 3, paragraph 1:   Replace "rain event" with "rainfall event"

    Page 30, paragraph 1:   Replace "piecewise linear transfer functions" with "piecewise-linear transfer functions"

    Page 30, paragraph 1:   Replace "User defined (C++) finite state machine module" with "User-defined (C++) finite-state machine module"

    Page 30, paragraph 2:   Replace "User defined C++ module" with "User-defined C++ module"

    Page 32, paragraph 1:   Replace "three day moving window" with "three-day moving window"

    Page 36, paragraph 1:   Replace "there are several areas of continuation relative to the RSM that deserve attention" with "several areas of continuation relative to the RSM deserve further attention"

    Page 36, paragraph 2:   Replace "finite state machine" with "finite-state machine"

    Page 37, paragraph 1:   Replace "water resource control policies" with "water-resource control policies"

    Page 37, paragraph 2:   Question the use of the word "arguably" in this context. Argumentative; value judgment. Is there a need to defend MIKE SHE here?

    Page 37, paragraph 3:   Replace "industry standard" with "industry-standard"

    Page 37, paragraphs 5 and 6, bullets; Fill in hyphens in "closed loop", "piecewise linear", "user defined" and finite state"

    Page 38, paragraph 3:   Replace "stream flow network abstraction" with "streamflow network abstraction"

    Page 46, section 6.4:   Replace "user specified discharge rating curves" with "user-specified discharge-rating curves"