Comments to Preliminary Draft Report (Version 1.2)

Contribution by Victor M. Ponce, Panelist

July 11, 2005

Notes on grammar. Please consult

for suggested hyphenation rules (consistency is all-important)

Generally, the rule is: "...join the words by hyphens if doing so will significantly aid the reader in recognizing the compound adjective"

One way to decide if a hyphen is necessary is to see if the phrase might be ambiguous without it. For example, the phrase "English language learners." If the meaning is "learners of the English language", then it should be written as "English-language learners." If the meaning is "language learners that are English in nationality, then it should be "English language learners."

On the other hand, no one is going to be confused by the phrase "chocolate chip cookies" or "Saturday morning cartoons." In other words, the open compounds (i.e., no hyphen) "chocolate chip" and "Saturday morning" are so well known that there is no room for ambiguity.


Suggested changes follow, in order of appearance.

Page 2, paragraph 4:   Replace "peer-review component" with "peer review component" (and all other instances; many throughout the document; use "Search")

Page 5, paragraph 5:   Replace "water-supply withdrawal" with "water supply withdrawal"

Page 6, Section 2.2:   Replace "local-acceleration term" with "local acceleration term"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 1:   Replace "fully-dynamic diffusivity" with "full-dynamic diffusivity" (no hyphen linking adverb and adjective; replace for two adjectives; or, else, delete the hyphen)

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "numerically-intensive" with "numerically intensive"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 2:   In the second reference to O'Brien et al. (1950), delete "in the sense of" (repetitive). Sentence should read "roundoff and truncation errors (O'Brien et al., 1950)."

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 3:   Replace "fully-forward-implicit solution" with "fully forward-implicit solution"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 3:   Replace "fully-forward weighing will damp wave propagation" with "fully forward weighing will damp wave propagation"

Page 9, Section 3, paragraph 3:   Replace "well-documented" with "well documented"

Page 9, Section 3, paragraph 3:   Replace "water-management system" with "water management system"

Page 10, paragraph 2:   Replace "South-Florida applications" with "South Florida applications"

Page 10, Section 4, paragraph 3:   Replace "nearly-zero bed slope" with "nearly zero bed slope"

Page 11, paragraph 1:   Replace "tidally-dominated" with "tidally dominated" (same as above)

Page 12, paragraph 3:   Replace "parameter-estimation process" with "parameter estimation process"

Page 12, paragraph 4:   Replace "parameter-estimation process" with "parameter estimation process" (three occurrences, including two in the last line)

Page 12, paragraph 4:   Replace "performed on a zone by zone basis" with "performed on a zone-by-zone basis"

Page 14, last line:   Replace "Florida" with "South Florida"

Page 14, paragraph 3:   Replace "flooding control, water supply and environmental protection " with "flood control, water supply, water quality, and environmental protection"

Page 18, Section 7, paragraph 2:   Replace "errors that are traceable to poor data quality" with "errors that are traceable either to limited amounts of data or to poor data quality" (re Jones' comment to Draft Report Version 1.1)

Page 19, last line:   Replace "forthcoming peer-reviews" with "forthcoming peer reviews"

Page 19, last line:   Replace "in 2006" with "in the near future"

Page 21, Section 10, bullet 4:   Replace "low gradient highly-regulated canals" with "low-gradient, highly regulated canals"

Page 21, Section 10, bullet 5:   Replace "numerically-intensive" with "numerically intensive"

Page 22, bullet 3:   Replace "Computation of potential evapotranspiration should be included in the RSM" with "Computation of potential evapotranspiration should be considered for inclusion in the RSM" (re Therrien's comment to Draft Report Version 1.1)

Page 22, bullet 5:   Replace "wind forcing" with "wind-stress forcing" (for consistency with earlier reference to "wind-stress forcing," or, else, change "wind-stress forcing" on the last line of page 9 to "wind forcing"

Page 22, bullet 13:   Replace "will need to be done and documented" with "will need to be performed and documented"

Throughout the report:  The prefix "sub" generally does not need a hyphen. Example: Use "subcell" instead of "sub-cell", "subtiming" instead of "sub-timing", "subdomain" instead of "sub-domain".