Sister Antonia M.M., in her house in Yanque, valley of the Colca river, Arequipa, Peru.
(Pictures taken during visit of January 19, 2000)
Click -here- to get additional information on the work of Sister Antonia on the valley of the Colca River.

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Sister Antonia in front of her house
Sister Antonia in the compound

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Sister Antonia's staff
Leoncio, Felipe, Tia Maria, Andrea, Tia Eulalia, Victoria, Sister Antonia, Bernardo, Rosmeyer
The soup kitchen, which serves 800 daily rations to the population of Yanque

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View of the compounds; Felipe working
Another view of the compounds; the church of Yanque, one of the traditional "mestizo" churches of the Colca valley, in the background
Place where soup kitchen is located.

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Another view of the complex, showing two of the three green houses
Sister Antonia in one of the greenhouses
The agricultural fields within the compounds

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The newly constructed library, which doubles as social center
Interior view of the library
Sister Antonia posing with one of her rabbits

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View of the bread-baking operation
Sister Antonia with Rosmeyer in the bakery
Sister Antonia posing in front of the oven to make bread