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Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce

4711. CHANNEL Documentation

  • CHANNEL will calculate critical and normal depth and velocity in trapezoidal, triangular, or rectangular prismatic channels using Newton's approximation.

  • Click the YES radio button if you are using SI units; click NO if you are using U.S. customary units.

  • In SI units, use meters and cubic meters per second; in U.S. customary units, use feet and cubic feet per second.

  • The program will prompt you to enter discharge Q, bottom width B, side slope z, bottom slope S and Manning n.

  • Discharge and bottom slope have to be greater than 0.

  • Bottom width and side slope have to be greater than or equal to 0.

  • Manning's n is limited between 0.008 and 0.250.

  • To specify a triangular channel, enter bottom width B equal to 0.

  • To specify a rectangular channel, enter side slope z equal to 0.

  • Enter bottom slope S in dimensionless form (Example: 0.003).

  • The program reports critical depth and velocity, and normal depth, velocity, and Froude number.

Click  -here- to view a sample data set.


DISCLAIMER: The developer makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this program for any one particular purpose. It is understood that the user proceeds at his/her own risk.

Click  -here- to go to V. M. Ponce's website.

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