Comparison between sanitation alternatives
No. Method1 Measure2 Rating3 Overall
1 In the open
aProtection of public health12345 23
bDegree of cleanliness12345
cDegree of comfort12345
dMoney savings12345
eEnergy savings12345
fRecycling of organic matter12345
hDegree of privacy12345
2 Septic tank
aProtection of public health12345 24
bDegree of cleanliness12345
cDegree of comfort12345
dMoney savings12345
eEnergy savings12345
fRecycling of organic matter12345
hDegree of privacy12345
3 Pit latrine
aProtection of public health12345 25
bDegree of cleanliness12345
cDegree of comfort12345
dMoney savings12345
eEnergy savings12345
fRecycling of organic matter12345
hDegree of privacy12345
4 Conventional toilet
aProtection of public health12345 28
bDegree of cleanliness12345
cDegree of comfort12345
dMoney savings12345
eEnergy savings12345
fRecycling of organic matter12345
hDegree of privacy12345

Dry ecological latrine4

aProtection of public health12345 32
bDegree of cleanliness12345
cDegree of comfort12345
dMoney savings12345
eEnergy savings12345
fRecycling of organic matter12345
hDegree of privacy12345
1 According to the United Nations, 2.6 billion people in the world lack access to adequate sanitation. If they get a toilet, how are they going to pay for the sewage treatment? The alternative, a dry ecological latrine, does not polute streams nor require expensive and energy-intensive sewage treatment.
2 Protection of public health implies minimization of disease-carrying vectors; degree of cleanliness implies minimization of odors; money savings implies low or minimal cost; energy savings implies little or no need for sewage treatment; recycling of organic matter implies efficient biodegradation of organic materials.
3 The rating 1 is lowest (worse); 2 is lower; 3 is average; 4 is higher; 5 is highest (best).
4 The dry ecological latrine (similar to the composting toilet) is recommended for use in rural and other areas where conventional sewage drainage and/or treatment facilities are either impractical or too expensive. The extensive use of dry ecological latrines will result in improved sanitation, better water quality of neighboring streams, and reduced global warming (if it saves fossil fuel consumption).