Local man showing level reached by flood near Kanakumbe, Karnataka, India.


During my conversation with Vic Mockus, the developer or the SCS runoff curve number, in July of 1996, Vic told me that, in his opinion, there were three kinds of hydrologists. Noting that he had sparked my interest, he went on:

"The first kind of hydrologist is one who works on the computer, and is reluctant to go to the field."

He continued:

"The second kind of hydrologist is one who goes to the field to gather data."

And finally, he made his point with a grin:

"The third kind of hydrologist is one who goes to the field to gather data when it is raining."

He added that it was absolutely necessary to go to the field to check the equipment when it mattered most, that is, when it was raining. His group at SCS at that time (1940-60's) were hydrologists of the third kind.