online_dispersivity:  Calculation of convection, diffusion, and dispersion coefficients
of flood wave propagation

[ SI Units:  uo in m/s; yo in m ]
[ U.S. Units:  uo in fps; yo in ft ]


F = uo / (g yo)1/2

V = (β - 1) F

qo = uo yo

Lo = yo / So

c = [ 1 + (V / F ) ] uo

ν = (Lo / 2) uo ( 1 - V 2 )

η = (Lo / 2) 2 uo ( 1 - V 2 ) F 2

c' = 1 + (V / F )

ν' = (1/2) ( 1 - V 2 )

η' = (1/4) ( 1 - V 2 ) F 2

F = Froude number;
V = Vedernikov number.



Mean velocity uo :      


Flow depth yo :      


Channel slope So :      


Rating exponent β :      


SI units (metric)

  Froude F :   

  Vedernikov V :   

  Celerity c :     

  Diffusivity ν :     

  Dispersivity η :     

  Celerity c' :   

  Diffusivity ν' :   

  Dispersivity η' :   

Press button to
or recalculate

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