online_engelund_hansen:  Calculation of sediment discharge by the Engelund-Hansen formula   


Ss = γs / γw

θ = D So / [ (Ss - 1 ) d50 ]

f = ( 2 g So D ) / V 2

qs = 0.1 (1/f ) θ5/2 γw [ (Ss - 1 ) g d503 ]1/2

Qs = B qs

SI Units (metric):   Hydraulic depth D in m; channel width B in m; mean velocity V in m/s; bottom slope So in m/m; mean diameter d50 in mm; Ss is dimensionless.

U.S. Customary Units:   Hydraulic depth D in ft; channel width B in ft; mean velocity V in fps; bottom slope So in ft/ft; mean diameter d50 in mm; Ss is dimensionless.



Hydraulic depth D :        

Channel width B :          

Mean velocity V :           

Bottom slope So :          

Mean diameter d50 :      

Specific gravity Ss :       

[ Leave blank to choose default Ss = 2.68 ]


Sediment discharge (sec) qs :     

Sediment discharge (sec) Qs :     

Sediment discharge (days) qs :     

Sediment discharge (days) Qs :     

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