online_scour_jainandfisher: Calculation of local scour using Jain and Fisher's equation
F = v /(gy)1/2
Vc = Kuy1/6D501/3
Fc = Vc /(gy)1/2
For clear-water scour (F - Fc ≤ 0.2):
ys = 1.84 aFc0.25 (y /a)0.3
For live-bed scour (F - Fc > 0.2):
ys = 2 a (F - Fc)0.25 (y /a)0.5
[ SI Units (metric): ys, y and a in m; Ku = 6.19 ]
[ U.S. Customary Units: ys, y and a in ft; Ku = 11.17 ]
[ F = Froude number; g = gravitational acceleration ]
Extracted from "Sedimentation Engineering," ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 110,
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2008.
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