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No. Title Theme Level 1 Language Streaming 2 Posting date 4 Viewing time 5
2001 Challenge at
Glen Canyon [Dam],
California and Arizona
Spillway repair / Cavitation 2 English 090803 26:55
2002 The Painted Cave Fire and
the floods of March 1991,
Santa Barbara County, California
Debris basins 2 English 090803 12:49
2003 Ecosystems of the La Leche river basin, Lambayeque, Peru Field
1 Spanish 090805 19:48
2004 Mono Lake,
Hypersaline/ alkaline lake 1 English 090904 5:56
2005 Tierra del Sol fights
for clean water,
San Diego County, California
1 English 091013 16:15
2006 The cloud forests of Kañaris,
Lambayeque, Peru
Field forest ecology 1 Spanish 100202 16:46
2007 Mud volcanoes of
the Salton Sea,
Imperial Valley, California
Geology / Geophysics 1 English 100430 6:12
2008 Mud volcanoes galore!
Imperial County, California
Geology /
1 English 100513 2:57
2009 The Salton Sea's predicament,
Imperial County, California
1 English 100514 4:38
2010 The Story of
Red Clover Creek
Plumas County, California
Stream restoration / Baseflow augmentation 1 English 100622 7:56
2011 The La Cano Slide
Vitor, Peru
Hillslope Slide 1 Spanish/
110221 10:18
2012 The May 2011 Flood
Cairo, Illinois
Flood control 1 Spanish/
110523 11:46
2013 The All-American Canal,
Imperial County, California
Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 110529 12:40
2014 Cañón Santa Rosa, Baja California, Mexico Geology / Fluvial geomorphology 1 English 111205 0:29
2015 Tierra del Sol and the Shockey Fire
San Diego County, California
Fire / Geology / Hydrology 1 English 121010 5:47
2016 Extracción de arenas en el Arroyo El Barbón
Baja California, Mexico
Sand mining 1 Spanish/
121119 2:53
2017 Control de sedimentos en el Aguaje de la Tuna
Baja California, Mexico
Sediment control 1 Spanish/
121204 5:20
2018 Entrevista con
Federico García Álvarez, Baja California, Mexico
Hydrologic Measurements 1 Spanish 121210 5:23
2019 Efecto de la extracción
de arenas
en el Puente Guadalupe,
Baja California, Mexico
Bridge scour 1 Spanish 121211 2:49
2020 Extracción de arenas
en el Arroyo Guadalupe,
Baja California, Mexico
Sand mining 1 Spanish 121212 3:49
2021 Santa Rosa II Canyon, Baja California, Mexico Geology / Fluvial geomorphology 1 English 121217 3:25
2022 The Great Salt Lake
and Ancient Lake Bonneville, Salt Lake, Utah
Hydrology / Geomorphology 1 English 121229 5:06
2023 Papaloapan -
El Río de las Mariposas,
Veracruz, Mexico
Hydrology 1 Spanish 130111 3:53
2024 Santa Rosa I Canyon, Baja California, Mexico Geology / Fluvial geomorphology 1 English 130318 2:26
2025 Achieving salt balance in Tulare Lake basin,
Tulare, California
Salinity management 1 English 130524 4:45
2026 Los Prismas Basálticos, Huasca de Ocampo,
Hidalgo, México
Geology 1 Spanish 130813 2:24
2027 Cascadas de Tulimán, Zacatlán de las Manzanas,
Puebla, México
Geography 1 Spanish 130814 0:54
2028 Volcán Cuexcomate,
Puebla, México
Geography 1 Spanish 130815 1:48
2029 Aforo en Agua Caliente,
Arroyo Guadalupe,
Ensenada, México
Hydrology 1 Spanish 131124 2:10
2030 Vado El Cora,
Nayarit, México
Hydraulic Engineering 1 Spanish 140122 3:22
2031 Crossing the El Cora Ford
on a motorcyle
Nayarit, Mexico
Hydraulic Engineering 0 Spanish 140122 2:03
2032 Salto del Tequendama, Bogota, Colombia Geology/ Hydrology 0 Spanish/
140124 1:13
2033 El Canal Cumbemayo, Cajamarca, Perú Archaeology/ Hydraulic Engineering 1 Spanish/
140128 12:29
2034 El Canal Cumbemayo, Cajamarca, Perú [2] Archaeology/ Hydraulic Engineering 1 Spanish/
140129 4:01
2035 La Ruta Magmática, Lambayeque, Perú Geology 1 Spanish 140130 8:52
2036 The Fish Ladders at
Bonneville Dam,
Oregon and Washington
Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 140610 6:03
2037 Parque Nacional Podocarpus,
Loja y Zamora-Chinchipe,
Forest ecology 1 Spanish 140719 4:31
2038 La Ruta Jurásica,
Lambayeque, Perú
Geology/ Geomorphology 1 Spanish 140722 9:45
2039 Cuicocha Lagoon,
Imbabura, Ecuador
Vulcanology 1 English 141022 2:23
2040 El Tortugario de Cuyutlán, Colima, México Ecology 0 Spanish
150125 2:55
2041 Estero Palo Verde, Cuyutlán, Colima, México Ecology 0 Spanish
150126 5:56
2042 !Termitas! Cuyutlán,
Colima, México
Ecology 0 Spanish
150127 1:22
2043 The Palcaraju Glacier,
White Range, Peru
Glaciology 0 English
150128 1:35
2044 Llanganuco Lakes,
White Range, Peru
Lake hydrology 0 English
150129 1:18
2045 Cataratas de Huancaya,
Yauyos, Peru
Hydrology 0 Spanish
150701 2:03
2046 El Sistema de Drenaje
de la Ciudad de México
Hydraulic Engineering 0 Spanish
150730 12:10
2047 The Mud Volcanoes
of the Salton Sea - 2015
Geology/ geomorphology 0 English 151208 1:11
2048 ¡Papaloapan! Hydrology 1 Spanish 160128 6:12
2049 Spillway of Morena Dam,
San Diego, California
Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 160420 1:19
2050 El Capitan Dam and Reservoir,
San Diego, California
Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 160504 0:53
2051 Turner Dam and Spillway, San Diego, California Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 160509 1:00
2052 El Salto, Santa Rosa Canyon II, Baja California, Mexico Geology 1 English 160603 1:52
2053 Gallito Ciego Spillway, Cajamarca, Peru Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 160712 0:58
2054 Mexico City's Cathedral
[The plight of]
Civil/ Geotechnical Engineering/ Culture 1 English 160805 2:54
2055 The Inca Palace and
Water Works at Tipón,
Cuzco, Perú
Hydraulic Engineering/ Archaeology 1 English 161108 1:03
2056 El Bosque Petrificado
Piedra Chamana,
Cajamarca, Peru
Paleontology 1 Spanish 170131 4:15
2057 The Uyuni Salt Flats,
Potosi, Bolivia
Geology/ Geomorphology 1 English 170201 2:28
2058 The Campo Weather Station, Campo, California Climatology 1 English 170222 5:36
2059 Los Baños de Inca, Cajamarca, Perú Geology,
Public Health
1 Spanish 170419 8:04
2060 Amphipoda Hyalella en Los Baños de Inca,
Cajamarca, Perú
1 Spanish 170420 1:20
2061 Volcán Cuexcomate,
Puebla, México
Geology 1 Spanish 170817 0:56
2062 Laguna La Niña,
Lambayeque-Piura, Perú
1 Spanish/
180411 5:55
2063 Pantanos de Villa,
Chorrillos, Lima, Perú
1 Spanish/
180427 3:11
2064 The Grand Canyon,
Geology 1 English 180529 6:43
2065 The Grand Canyon,
Arizona 2
Geology 0 English 180530 3:15
2066 Horseshoe Bend,
Page, Arizona
Geology 0 English 180530 2:20
2067 El Árbol del Tule,
Oaxaca, México
Ecology/ Groundwater 1 Spanish/
180912 2:59
2068 Hierve el Agua,
Oaxaca, México
Geology/ Groundwater 1 Spanish/
181009 2:28
2069 El Árbol del Amor,
Huánuco, Perú
Ecology/ Feature 0 Spanish 181106 1:17
2070 Jardines de México,
Morelos, México
Botany 0 Spanish/
190412 4:06
2071 California Scenario: The Noguchi Sculpture Garden Landscape Architecture 1 English
190509 5:08
2072 Zion National Park, Southwestern Utah Geology, geomorphology 1 English
190515 8:28
2073 Teton Dam Failure Hydraulics 1 English
191106 1:40
2074 Cutback in the New River near Calexico, California Hydraulics/
fluvial geomorphology
1 English
191216 3:27
2075 1000 Years of
River History
Fluvial geomorphology/
river mechanics
1 English
19`118 3:13
2076 Connection between Coipasa and Uyuni Salt Flats,
Potosi, Bolivia
lake salinity
1 English
200213 3:19
2077 Pantanos de Centla, Tabasco, México Geomorphology, Hydrography 1 Spanish
200214 0:57
2078 Yumká, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico Conservation ecology 1 English
200216 2:48
2079 Pongo de Manseriche, Amazonas, Peru Fluvial geomorphology 1 English
200217 1:49
2080 Flujo mazamorra en el río Taquiña, Tiquiyapa, Cochabamba, Bolivia River hydraulics, hyperconcentrated flows 1 Spanish 200224 1:23
2081 Flujo de escombros,
cerca de Buta Ranquil,
Neuquén, Argentina
Open-channel flow, debris flows 1 Spanish
200229 1:00
2082 Facts on Lake Titicaca,
Peru and Bolivia
Lake hydrology 1 English
200312 12:37
2083 The true source of the Missouri river,
Montana-Idaho, USA
Hydrography 1 English
200315 5:41
2084 Origin of the New river,
Imperial County, California
Channel erosion, river mechanics 1 English
200327 3:20
2085 How did Las Vegas
get its name?
Groundwater pumping, hydrogeology 1 English
200403 2:42
2086 Cañada del Oro Wash at Edwin Road, Tucson, Arizona, July 15, 2020 Debris flow 1 English 200725 0:53
2087 Paneles sumergidos en el río Cauca, Colombia, el 30 de julio de 2020 River engineering 1 Spanish 200731 1:07
2088 What is the relative depth to achieve maximum discharge in a circular culvert? Hydraulic engineering 1 English 201225 6:18
2089 ¿Cuál es la profundidad relativa correspondiente al caudal máximo en una alcantarilla circular? Hydraulic engineering 1 Spanish 210117 6:18
2090 Explorando el interior
de una mina prehispánica en
Taxco, Guerrero, México
Exploration 1 Spanish 2104253:41
2091 Parque Zoológico, Morelia, Michoacán, México Fauna 0 Spanish 2104269:11
2092 Parque Zoológico, Morelia, Michoacán, México [2] Fauna 0 Spanish 2104275:21
2093 Jardin Mágico, Atlixco, Puebla, México Botany 0 Spanish 2104282:49
2094 Acueducto El Saucillo, Huichapan, Hidalgo, México Hydraulic engineering 0 Spanish 2105292:56
2095 Basaltic Prisms of
Santa Maria Regla,
Hidalgo, México
Geology 1 English 2108132:08
2096 Spillway at Hoover Dam, Arizona-Nevada, USA Hydraulic Engineering 1 English 2109083:12
2097 Raphael Rivera,
discoverer of the
Las Vegas valley (1829)
American history, hydrogeology 1 English 2109091:35
2098 Seven Magic Mountains,
Las Vegas, Nevada
Public art,
rural art
0 English 2109103:11
2099 Red Rock Canyon,
Las Vegas, Nevada
Geology, Nature Conservation 1 English 2109125:34

No. Title Theme Level 1 Language Streaming 2 Posting date 4 Viewing time 5
2100 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [1] A Introduction 1 English   211113 5:23
2101 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [1] B Geology 1 English   211114 6:53
2102 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [1] C Geomorphology 1 English   211115 11:58
2103 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [1] Introduction, Geology, Geomorphology 1 English   211118 23:02
2104 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [2] A Climatology 1 English   211122 15:07
2105 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [2] B Hydrology 1 English   211128 19:09
2106 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [2] C Ecology 1 English   211204 10:38
2107 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [2] Climatology, Hydrology, Ecology 1 English   211205 43:40
2108 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [3] A Ecohydrology 1 English   211208 20:17
2109 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [3] B Hydroclimatology 1 English   211220 23:24
2110 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [3] C Bioclimatology 1 English   211221 9:04
2111 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [3] Ecohydrology, Hydroclimatology, Bioclimatology 1 English   211222 51:10
2112 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [4] A Ecohydroclimatology 1 English   220107 13:25
2113 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [4] B Case Studies 1 English   220123 31:55
2114 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [4] C Summary 1 English   220123 2:29
2115 Ecohydroclimatological research: The case for geomorphology [4] Ecohydroclimatology, Case Studies, Summary 1 English   220124 45:47
2116 Thirty seconds with the Gila Monster,
Las Vegas, Nevada
1 English   220205 0:42
2117 Catedral Metropolitana,
Ciudad de México
Civil engineering, Mexican history, religion 1 Spanish / English   220213 3:42
2118 Thirty-three facts
about global warming
Global warming 1 English   220228 6:56
2119 Treinta y tres hechos
sobre el calentamiento global
Global warming 1 Spanish   220304 6:56
2120 Trinta e três fatos
sobre o
aquecimento global
Global warming 1 Portuguese   220305 6:56
2121 Sixty seconds with
the Gila monster,
Las Vegas, Nevada
1 English   220308 1:00
2122 El Pozo Menestrero, Playa Tres Palos,
La Libertad, Perú
Groundwater quality 1 Spanish /
  220330 1:12
2123 Ninety seconds with
the Gila monster,
Las Vegas, Nevada
1 English   220506 1:30
2124 Hierve el Agua,
San Lorenzo Albarradas,
Oaxaca, México
1 Spanish / English   220509 2:48
2125 La Tierra Colorada,
Santa Cruz Tayata,
Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, México
Accelerated erosion,
Land/ecosystem management
1 Spanish / English   220509 1:22
2126 Groundwater Utilization and Sustainability [1] Groundwater use 1 English   220522 5:49
2127 Groundwater Utilization and Sustainability [2] Groundwater use 1 English   220523 6:41
2128 Groundwater Utilization and Sustainability [3] Groundwater use 1 English   220524 6:11
2129 Groundwater Utilization and Sustainability [4] Groundwater use 1 English   220525 7:06
2130 Groundwater Utilization and Sustainability [5] Groundwater use 1 English   220527 6:52
2131 Mississippi River Walk, at Mud Island, Memphis, Tennessee River physical modeling, river tourism 1 English   220607 3:08
2132 Uso y sostenibilidad del agua subterránea [1] Groundwater use 1 Spanish   220620 5:49
2133 Uso y sostenibilidad del agua subterránea [2] Groundwater use 1 Spanish   220622 6:41
2134 Uso y sostenibilidad del agua subterránea [3] Groundwater use 1 Spanish   220702 6:11
2135 Uso y sostenibilidad del agua subterránea [4] Groundwater use 1 Spanish   220705 7:06
2136 Uso y sostenibilidad del agua subterránea [5] Groundwater use 1 Spanish   220706 6:39
2137 Cascada Encantada,
San Pedro Atlixco,
Puebla, México
Surface water 0 Spanish   220815 1:32
2138 Jardín Mágico, Atlixco, Puebla, México [2] Botany 0 Spanish 2208164:40
2139 Zoológico de Mexquitic de Carmona, San Luis Potosí, México Zoology 0 Spanish 2209182:37
2140 Jardín Botánico
Regional de Cadereyta,
Querétaro, México
Botany 0 Spanish 2209232:58
2141 Presa de la Biznaga,
San Luis Potosí, México
Water resources 0 Spanish 2209241:22
2142 Presa Santa Catarina,
Querétaro, México
Water resources 0 Spanish 2209241:07
2143 Cascada El Salto, Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, México Nature, hydrography 0 Spanish 2301281:34
2144 Mariposa Monarca, Santuario
Sierra Chincua, Michoacán, México
Nature 0 Spanish 2303024:55
2145 Acuario Michin Puebla, México Popular ichthyology 0 Spanish 2304288:01
2146 Acuario Michin Puebla, México [2] Popular ichthyology 0 Spanish 2304284:19
2147 La liberación de las tortuguitas,
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, México
Marine zoology 0 Spanish / English 2304292:12
2148 Laguna Manialtepec,
Oaxaca, México
Coastal lake hydrology 0 Spanish 23043012:06
2149 Barra de Manialtepec,
Oaxaca, México
Coastal lake hydrology, coastal geomorphology 0 Spanish 2304304:18
2150 Canal de La Cortadura,
Tampico, Tamaulipas, México
Coastal lake hydraulics and sanitation 1 Spanish 2305056:25
2151 Muelle de Metales y Minerales,
Tampico, Tamaulipas, México
Port operation and management 1 Spanish 2305064:09
2152 Manantial Peña Pobre,
Tlalpan, Ciudad de México
Groundwater flow, springs 1 Spanish 2305071:32
2153 Un día
en el río Papaloapan, Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, México
River tourism 0 Spanish 2401183:15
2154 Casa de Cortés,
Centro Histórico,
La Antigua, Veracruz, México
Mexican history, ecology 0 Spanish 2401193:04
2155 Escolta del Presidente del Perú "Mariscal Domingo Nieto" Peruvian history 0 Spanish 2401191:20
2156 Los Pantanos de Villa, Chorrillos, Lima, Perú Wetland hydrology 1 Spanish 2401191:04
2157 The Portals of
[Las Portadas de] Maras, Cusco, Peru
Maras (Cusco) history and architecture 0 English/ Spanish 2401191:05
2158 The Salt Works of Maras, Cusco, Peru Salt works industry in Cusco 1 English 2401206:32
2159 The Salt Works of Maras, Cusco, Peru [2] Salt works industry in Cusco 1 English 2401203:22
2160 Moray,
Agricultural laboratory of the Incas
Inca archaeology 0 English 2401212:55
2161 Marvelous Agave Maravilloso Agave americano botany 1 English/ Spanish 2407141:34
1 Levels:  0, least technical; 1, more technical; and 2, most technical. 2 Streaming rates: • V:  Very high ( > 1 Mbps)   • H:  High  (1 Mbps)   • M:  Medium  (768 Kbps)   • L:  Low  (512 Kbps)   Streaming with:      ion, the Visualab public server, running Adobe Flash Media with RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol);      YouTube™. 3 Musicians featured in Visualab webvideos. 4 Posting date is the [yr][mo][dy] of public availability on the web. 5 Viewing time is the total viewing time in min:sec. 6 Restricted requires username and password. For academic use only, you may request a username/password from Prof. Ponce to the email shown below.

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