online_oxygenation:   Oxygenation constant ko in a stream    

[ ko is at T = 20oC ]

O'Connor and Dobbins (1958):   ko = 3.93 V0.5 D-1.5

[0.3 m < D < 9 m; 0.15 m/s < V < 0.5 m/s]

Churchill et al. (1962):   ko = 5.23 V D-1.67

[0.6 m < D < 3 m; 0.55 m/s < V < 1.5 m/s]

Owens et al. (1964):   ko = 5.32 V0.67 D-1.85

[0.1 m < D < 3 m; 0.03 m/s < V < 1.5 m/s]

Tsivoglou and Wallace (1972):   ko = 31,000 VS

[0.3 m < D < 0.9 m; 0.03 m3/s < Q < 0.3 m3/s]

     [ ko is at T = 20oC ]

   Melching and Flores (1999):

   1. Pool and riffle streams, Q ≤ 0.556 m3/s:   ko = 517 (VS)0.524 Q-0.242
   2. Pool and riffle streams, Q > 0.556 m3/s:   ko = 596 (VS)0.528 Q-0.136
   3. Channel-control streams, Q ≤ 0.556 m3/s:   ko = 88 (VS)0.313 D-0.353
   4. Channel-control streams, Q > 0.556 m3/s:   ko = 142 (VS)0.333 D-0.66 W-0.243

[Please note that the oxygenation (or reaeration) constant ko is referred to as k2 in some textbooks].
  Variation of ko with water temperature:
  ko,T = ko,20 θ(T - 20)

  θ = 1.025

  Minimum value of ko:
  ko,min = 0.6/D
Source: Chin, D. A. 2006. Water quality engineering in natural systems, Wiley.


Stream (optional):     

Velocity V (m/s):     

Depth D (m):     

Slope S (m/m):     

Discharge Qs (m3/s):     

Top width W (m):     

Water temperature T (oC):     


Comments (out of range)


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