Enter discharge Q (m3/s) [cfs]:
Enter bottom width B (m) [ft]:
Enter side slope z (z H:1 V):
Enter Manning's n:
Enter [adverse, i.e., negative] bottom slope So (m/m) [ft/ft]:
Enter number of computational intervals n (suggested range 50-200) [If left blank, a default value of
100 will be used]:
Enter number of tabular output intervals m (suggested range 10-50) [If left blank, a default value of 10 will be used]:
Enter flow depth at the upstream boundary yu (m) [ft]
[If entered, program will compare with normal depth; if left blank, program will use normal depth]:
To calculate normal depth at the upstream boundary, the program requires the following hydraulic and geometric data for the upstream channel:
[Make sure that the u/s flow is supercritical, i.e., that
bottom slope So,u/s >> 0. This may require trial and error. Leave any other box blank if the value
is the same as the corresponding value entered above].
Enter u/s discharge Qu/s (m3/s) [cfs]:
Enter u/s bottom width Bu/s (m) [ft]:
Enter u/s size slope zu/s (z H:1 V):
Enter Manning's nu/s:
Enter u/s bottom slope So,u/s (m/m) [ft/ft] [do not leave blank]: